Welcome to Café EliPri! Would you like a hot cup of tea and an even hotter piece of gossip? If we have met in person before then you most likely own a business card sized print of this illustration already.
Yes, that's my shoe.
Based on an actual burger that I had. It was a really good burger.
Mascot development sketches
One time many moons ago I felt particularly cozy next to my window sill, wrapped in warm blankets and an even warmer cup of tea. Even the moon was smiling down on me! What a nice night. I have never kept a cat as a house pet before however, consider it as part of my artistic liberty.
Pokémon Re-Design Challenges
There's a current trend on Twitter that challenges artists to re-design already existing Pokémon with prompts such as "create a variant by changing just one letter for different context" or "re-imagine an Ultra Beast as a Pokémon and vice versa" and more. Here are some examples that I enjoyed creating in particular. 
Spy x Family Fanart
Drawing fanart of my favourite series not only helps me relax, it's also a great opportunity for me to experiment with digital art without any pressure that is present in conventionally professional pieces. The following pieces are my personal favourites so far, you can check out my tumblr if you want to see more.
Moinsen Kinners: A digitized collection of quick city sketches
If there's one thing I always carry around, it's gotta be my small handy sketchbook. I usually fill it with quick impressions of all sorts of people that I meet in passing whenever I'm out and about. Oftentimes I only see them for merely a few seconds, but sometimes that's enough for me to capture the impression that they have left on me. The following pieces have been digitally colored, but you can still see small bits of my precious little sketchbook.
Have you ever seen a photograph so pure and precious you just have to give into the urge to draw your own interpretation immediately? That's what happened here. A bird so round, it's like an orb. A Borb, if you will.
Once upon a time I tried my hand at fashion editorial type of illustration. These two pieces are the ones that I still enjoy to this day. I really do not remember anything else about the circumstances of their creation, sorry. I like their hats though!
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